If you're suffering from fatigue & sluggishness, and wish you had the ENERGY to create the IMPACT you want in this world, this program is for you!

You’re ready to live out your life's purpose and have a huge impact with your business. But there’s a problem - You don’t have the ENERGY you need to show up fully for your clients, team and loved ones.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You struggle with low energy, brain fog, excess weight, headaches, and digestive issues.
  • You feel sluggish and generally run down.
  • You’re not sure which food to eat specifically for your needs.
  • You do not have time to meal plan & cook.
  • You’re tired of yo-yo diets and endless cravings.
  • You feel bloated & don’t feel great in your clothes.
  • You find healthy eating very confusing with the multitude of contradictory information out there.
  • You feel eating healthy is too expensive.
  • You equate healthy eating to being deprived of the food you enjoy.
  • You need help. You need a plan.

What if I told you that you could FINALLY...

  • experience consistent and reliable energy
  • have increased mental clarity & focus
  • eat healthy AND enjoy delicious food
  • feel less bloated and fit in your clothes better
  • cook delicious meals in less time
  • start getting to your ideal weight…without restrictive dieting

The perfect solution for you

Easy step-by-step lessons to get you from feeling fatigue & overwhelmed to having amazing energy and the confidence to know how to eat healthy moving forward!

"I wanted to say how amazing Iris King is! Before working with Iris and her program, I was exhausted, weak, I felt just gross and bloated and all I wanted to do was feel better but I had no idea how to do that, on a budget and with time constraints. Being an entrepreneur, it's really hard to find time to meal plan.

Within 4 weeks of working with her, I went from being at my low point in my health to understanding how to actually eat super healthy, gain my energy back, gain my strength back, on a budget, with time left - I thought healthy eating would take so much of my time, it really doesn't. Iris showed me some of the most delicious meals that I would never have thought that I would like, never would have tried, now they are some of my most favourite meals that I ever make and now I am probably the healthiest that I have ever been.

I highly highly recommend this program for anyone who is kickstarting their health journey. This is the way to go. This program is amazing and I would always recommend it. Thank you Iris for changing my life!

-Jill H., Entrepreneur

With this program, you can:


Learn how to break unhealthy patterns & create a healthy mindset so that you can show up fully for your team, clients & loved ones!


As a small business owner, you are juggling a lot. So I've planned your meals for you so that you can focus on other important things.


Confusion creates inaction. My guidelines make it super easy for you to continue eating your way to experiencing amazing health!

Program Overview


Getting Started

• Bird's eye view of the program and the pacing.

• Covering some FAQs before you get started.

• Shopping list for herbs & supplements you may want to order ahead of time so you will be ready to implement module 2!


Module 1: Mindset Check-in

• You'll be uncovering any limiting beliefs that may be a key underlying factor into what may be blocking you from achieving your health goals.

• Learn how to create more empowering belief to break patterns that no longer serve you and that are driven by limiting beliefs.

• This module is first on purpose because mindset is KEY to lasting change!


Module 2: 7-Day Healthy Eating Kick Start Plan

• This is by far the most DELICIOUS module!

• You are given a 7-Day Kick Start meal plan designed specifically to address symptoms of low energy, brain fog, bloating, and excess weight. It includes recipes, a tea blend for energy, and some recommended supplements.

• You will see in this module that you don't need to spend tons of time in the kitchen, and that healthy eating CAN be delicious!


Module 3: Bridging the Knowledge Gap & Cutting the Confusion out of Healthy Eating

• In this module we cut through all that confusion by busting some common healthy eating myths.

• Learn simple, tried & true guidelines on how you can eat healthy with clarity, ease and a sense of confidence!


Module 4: Creating a Sustainable Healthy Eating Strategy

• This module will teach you how to continue to eating healthy.

• Learn how to support your 5 health defense systems.

• Have the confidence to eat your way to experiencing amazing health with foods you ALREADY like to eat!

"Before taking Iris's program, I felt I had a good handle on healthy eating. I tend to eat organic, mainly whole foods with some other stuff sprinkled in...but I was experiencing brain fog and highs and lows of energy in my day. I felt so much energy after starting on the meal plan. There were no highs & lows, I just felt consistent energy throughout the day. I love how Iris gives you the tools and everything you need to really set you up for success going forward. As a solopreneur, that's so important because my business runs on me right now. So to have consistent energy and mental clarity really means a lot to me. As an added bonus, I lost 9lbs in the 4 weeks I was on the program. I'm so grateful for the program and I know it will do mounds of good for everyone who takes the program, so jump right in!"

-Glasa Gottschalk, Owner GII Coaching & Consulting

Let me help you transform your health!

Get all the tools you need to start experiencing the energy & wellness you desire!

Here's what you get:

  • Lifetime Access to the program (to complete at your own pace). 4 modules, 7 video lessons, including lesson slides. Includes worksheets with each lesson so that you can take action on what you learned. Access to the program is given as soon as you've enrolled! ($997 VALUE)
  • BONUS #1: Iris's Top 10 Pantry Must Haves to create simple & delicious meals! ($47 VALUE)
  • BONUS #2: Eating for Your Ancient Element Quiz! Learn how to eat for your ancient element to make healthy eating decisions unique to you! ($47 VALUE)
  • BONUS #3: Bonus training on starting (and stopping) habits! ($27 VALUE)
  • BONUS #4: 7 Versatile recipes, Limitless Possibilities, eCookbook (NEW!) ($14 VALUE)
  • BONUS #5: Start to feel AMAZING and create habits that will help you experience a lifetime of health! (PRICELESS)
  • ADD-ON OPTION: ADD-ON OPTION: 1-on-1 consulting call(s) with Iris are available to members only. You can book this on an as-needed basis if you have any questions or want to go deeper in any of the modules *At an additional cost, special member pricing of USD$125/1hr call (reg. USD $175)

Value of $1,132

Today for $397 USD

Hi I'm Iris, your holistic health trainer!

Learning about how to use food as medicine and having a holistic approach to my health CHANGED MY LIFE. I suffered from chronic fatigue, Graves disease (an autoimmune disorder), chronic headaches, spinal stenosis and constantly feeling unwell. After taking personal responsibility for my health, getting help and taking action, I now experience the energy I need to enjoy life and live out my God-given purpose!

If you need energy and don't know where to start, you are in the right place! My short but effective program will give you the knowledge you need to have the confidence to reclaim your health, make healthy decisions that are right for you, and start experiencing the energy you desire! All your need to do is show up, take action, and bring your appetite because things are gonna get tasty!

To your health,

Is this program right for me?

This course is a fantastic fit for you if:

  • You are sick and tired of well...feeling sick and tired, and are ready to take MASSIVE ACTION towards your health
  • You're overwhelmed by the amount of information online and all the conflicting "facts" about what healthy eating looks like and you need guidance
  • You want to stop going on yo-yo diets that don't work
  • You do not have a ton of time to research, plan & cook. You need a simple, sustainable (and delicious) way to eat healthy
  • You want to show up fully for your team, clients & family

This course isn't the best fit for you if:

  • You are totally happy with your current state of health & level of energy
  • You have plenty of time & desire to research how to eat healthy on your own and at your own pace
  • You don't feel investing time & money in your health is a priority right now
  • You don't feel comfortable doing anything outside of what your doctor recommended to you for your health
  • You don't feel like a holistic approach and changing the way you eat will help you get the energy you need


This program is designed for you to do at your own pace. It is doable 1 module per week, so the entire program can be completed in 4 weeks, however, if you are experiencing extreme fatigue like some of our past students, you can definitely take your time and do it at your own pace.

No it isn't. :) This program is for anyone who is experiencing the symptoms of fatigue and sluggishness, who want to get started on learning about how to eat healthy, simply and deliciously!

You'll get access to the entire Eating for Wellness-Simplified Program as soon as you've enrolled. Then you'll have lifetime access to the program. You'll get access to all future upgrades of Eating for Wellness-Simplified! By lifetime access, we mean for as long as we run the program.

The modules include videos lessons, worksheets, a meal plan and easy-to-follow written instructions.

1-on-1 coaching is not included in this program to keep this as affordable as possible. If you are interested in booking a 1-on-1 coaching with Iris to get some burning questions answered or go deeper into any of the modules, please email us at info@IrisKing.ca and we'll get back to you asap.

As with any program, it will work as much as the work you put into it. This is a proven program that will help you have more confidence in making healthy eating choices, simply and sustainably, and it will help you start experiencing the energy you desire, but you need to create the time and space and do the work.

We're happy to answer any additional questions you may have so you can determine if this program is right for you! Email us at info@IrisKing.ca and we'll get back to you asap.

"I was hesitant to sign up for the program because I thought buying healthier food was going to bankrupt me, and I was so sure I would hate the good-for-me food. The program challenged me to consider more options that I thought were unavailable to me on a tight budget. I found some really yummy alternatives to lettuce. Over the 4 weeks, I needed a few adjustments to accommodate chronic pain and fatigue. But I still felt capable of doing it, even if it takes longer than I expected, and I'm encouraged to keep going. I absolutely, unhesitatingly would recommend this program to anyone who is serious about making real, sustainable changes to their diet and lifestyle."

-Marsha Lawrence, The Scientartist

Total Value Of $1,132 USD

But you can get it today for just:


  • Lifetime Access to the program (Average 4 weeks to complete). 4 modules, 7 video lessons, including lesson slides. Includes worksheets with each lesson so that you can take action on what you learned.
  • BONUS #1: Iris's Top 10 Pantry Must Haves to create simple & delicious meals!
  • BONUS #2: Eating for your element quiz! Learn how to eat for your ancient element to make healthy eating decisions unique to you!
  • BONUS #3: Bonus training on starting (and stopping) habits!
  • BONUS #4: 7 Versatile recipes, Limitless Possibilities, eCookbook (NEW!)
  • BONUS #5: Start to feel AMAZING and create habits that will help you experience a lifetime of health!
  • ADD-ON OPTION: 1-on-1 consulting call(s) with Iris are available to members only. You can book this on an as-needed basis if you have any questions or want to go deeper in any of the modules. *At an additional cost, special member pricing of USD$125/1hr call (reg. USD $175)

"Before I started the program I was having water retention problems, swelling from the knees down. The Kick Start Meal Plan not only helped with my energy levels, after less than 4 weeks I had lost 16lbs, the water retention in my legs was completely gone, and I realized how much better I was sleeping than before I started the program. The meal plan Iris gave me had foods that I really like eating, and now I feel I can change my lifestyle and keep the results I had rather than bounce around with diets that I've tried before. I have to say she did a great job and her program is pretty awesome!"

-HR Tanner, Entrepreneur

Here's what happens when you sign up:

You'll receive an excited email from me welcoming you to the course! In the email you'll get your membership login which will give you instant access to the program!

"I signed up because I wanted to learn how to have a healthy lifestyle as I age to avoid illness. I wasn't sure if I had time to do the program but I was reassured that I can do the program at my own pace. What I loved the most was that I learned new recipes that are very different from what I usually cook in my culture. They were simple yet delicious and I really enjoyed them. After 4 short weeks, I am experiencing more energy, I'm sleeping well, and I'm calmer & relaxed. I would highly recommend this program if you want to learn how to eat healthy in a simple way."

-Lilibeth Ching, Billing Coordinator

Ready to Reclaim Your Health?